Not a healthy democracy

Kneehill County Wake Up!!! We have a municipal election on Oct. 16, 2017. Nomination day is Sept. 18.
I don’t remember the last time we actually voted in a municipal election. All council members have been acclaimed for years … at least four were recognized for 15 years of service.
The service these long standing councillors have provided to Kneehill County is undoubtedly appreciated. After all, apparently no one else wanted the job.
They have dedicated their time and energy to influencing the direction of Kneehill County. I am grateful.
People, this is not a healthy democracy. Leaders of 15 years gain tremendous experience.  They must also get tired of our apathy and very easily fall into an attitude of “father knows best”.
The last few years I have observed the grassroots residents rise up a few times. Could it be they are regarded as too late with their concerns?
Could it be they are regarded as incapable of understanding the complexities of the decisions?
How about a part time job? If you can listen, read, and make decisions, and you like to communicate with your neighbors perhaps this is the job for you.
Contrary to the general appearance of our council, you do not have to be seasoned by age! Kneehill has an administration to guide you. Training and orientation is provided.
Perhaps you’re an empty-nester or a young parent whose children have gone off to school. Perhaps you have been unfortunate to lose income from the oil industry. Maybe you haven’t managed to acquire quite enough land to make your family comfortable.
Are you commuting long distances to a job and you would like to be closer to home? Perhaps retirement without a purpose doesn’t appeal to you.
Most importantly, do you want an opportunity to significantly influence the future of your community? Councillors receive a monthly salary, per diems when away from home, expenses, group health coverage, and other benefits.
A Candidate’s Nomination Information Package is available at the County office. It is also available at
Would you like to join an email group and have a discussion? Send a line to or fax 403-823-9984 with your comments. I’ll add you to the list.
Let’s drum up some enthusiasm in this county. Let’s have a discussion and a real election!
Wendy Clark
Kneehill County resident
Rosebud, Ab.

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