Coronation town council learned of a resident’s letter regarding noise levels.
James Croker, a newer resident to Coronation who moved in two years ago with his family chose Coronation out of many communities they were investigating to see where to settle.
“Coronation is a pretty little town, the inhabitants are friendly and very welcoming, it has sufficient local shopping and essential service options. We have been generally pleased with adopting Coronation as our home,” he stated in his letter.
But out of all these communities they have lived in, the family has found Coronation to be ‘by and far the noisiest place’ due to youngsters driving and revving up their engines in the later hours of the day and night.
“I’m not referring at all to the sort of noise that occurs between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., that’s good noise, the noise of commerce. It’s the noise that usually starts after 8 p.m. when the young lads come out and/or (mostly, I’ve been told) come into town, with their big trucks and race and/or stunt drive around town hour after hour after hour.
“I accept fully that we are living in the cusp of the traditionally noisiest location being surrounded by all the recreation facilities.
However, the noise from the pool, baseball fields, basketball court (even people letting their trucks warm up for 30 minutes) at the arena is nothing in comparison with the noise produced by the young lads racing/stunt driving up and down the residential streets and around our block half a dozen times . . . yes, really, half a dozen times . . . in a row! This noise is starting to feel like ‘Water Torture’.”
Croker mentioned he has been in contact with Sgt. Pike several times about this problem and found some reduction has been seen but overall they wish to see more done on a municipal level to reduce the nuisance.
He asked to have council consider reducing the speed limit within town to drop from 40 km/hour to 30 km/hour, add speed bumps at strategic locations, close any unnecessary routes, and enact a noise bylaw ‘with teeth’.
“Again, being a realist I fully appreciate that bylaws are only effective if they can be enforced. A noise by-law that addresses the problem will give the local Bylaw Enforcement Officer and the RCMP additional tools to help curb this horrible problem,” he said.
Council agreed with his statements and added that anyone who sees drivers becoming a nuisance to record video and get license plates if possible to give to the RCMP to handle.
The only issue council found with instilling a noise bylaw was that they are usually served by peace officers which can be a challenge to enforce.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Quinton Flint noted that RCMP sometimes need permission from municipalities to enforce but can also go after nuisance complaints under different laws like the Disturbing the Peace law.
Council agreed to accept the letter from Mr. Crocker as presented while also choosing to look into possibly enacting a noise bylaw.
Crowning moment
The Communities in Bloom committee asked council about purchasing a metal crown that will be painted in yellows, reds and gold paint to be used for special occasions.
A couple of options were shown, one 11-inch circumference crown was made by the Veteran Colony for $450
Council passed a motion to purchase this crown for $450 to use at big events and special occasions.
Another one will be made at 16 inches wide to be placed on top of the petunia tree on Main Street.
RCMP quarterly report
Sgt. John Pike of the Coronation RCMP Detachment visited council chambers to go over highlights of the first quarter of 2021 within the detachment area.
The detachment oversees Coronation and Castor as well as the County of Paintearth.
The Sgt. shared that overall things have been fairly steady with peaks and valleys normal as part of trends already being tracked.
For this detachment, three priorities have been set out for the community including enhancing road safety, aiming for a reduction in property crimes and enhancing public engagement.
Out of the five positions available, four are currently working with one vacancy.
All support positions are filled at this time at the office.
On average, expenditures within Provincial Police Service Agreement (PPSA) detachment areas are lower this fiscal year.
Reductions have been realized primarily within extra duty pay and unit operating costs like travel fuel and guarding costs.
Surplus funds have allowed for reallocation of funds to deferred information tech and operational equipment requirements.
January to February year-over-year (2020-2021) there was an increase in property crime (-74 per cent) which was primarily driven by Theft Under $5,000 and Possession of Stolen Goods.
Council asked if there was anything they could do to stop the speeding and stunting happening in town.
Sgt. Pike said there wasn’t much they could do but speed bumps would be beneficial.
Dep. Mayor Mark Stannard suggested they extend the playground speed from the school zone heading west.
Council accepted the Sgt’s presentation as information.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review