News from Byemoor 4-H

Written by ECA Review

What an exciting start to the year for Byemoor 4-H Beef Club! We welcome four new members and three new cleavers.

Byemoor has three senior members, six intermediates, and seven junior members.

Our organizational meeting was held on Thurs. Oct. 12 where we had the election of officers. Stacy Charbonneau is our general leader; President -Addison Charbonneau, Vice President -Colter Stirling; Secretary -Rylee Charbonneau; Treasurer -Alerie Sorensen, Parliamentarian -Colter Buchwitz, Historians -Franky Casutt and Jayda Stirling and Club Reporter-Tulsa Smith.

Weigh day is to be held Sat. Nov. 4 in Stettler.

Our club will be hosting on online fundraising auction in November, so be prepared to stock up for Christmas with goodies and gifts!

Our club will also be helping with Santa Day in Byemoor on Dec. 2 and breakfast with Santa in Halkirk on Dec. 3.

by Tulsa Smith, club reporter

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