New policy for ice fishing huts on Coronation Dam

A draft Ice Fishing Huts Policy was approved at Coronation Town Council meeting on Mon. March 13 that provides guidelines for the registration, at no cost, of ice fishing huts on the Coronation Dam. The registration number must be visible on the outside of the huts.
Registering the fishing huts ensures that each one is accounted for at the end of the season, thus reducing the likelihood of them falling through the ice in the spring and polluting the Dam.
Registration also helps the town identify the owners in event of any issues relating to damage, vandalism and theft.
Temporary tent-style huts made of cloth or synthetic fabric with a base area of 75 sq. ft. or less do not need to be registered.
The policy also provides guidelines for the handling of abandoned ice fishing huts by the town.
The ice thickness Safety Guidelines published by the Lifesaving Society have also been included as part of the policy.
The proper signage will be developed at the Dam and the Public Works Supervisor, Allan Smith volunteered to police the huts.

Water main extension

Council accepted the recommendation from their Engineers CIMA to  grant the tender to Foran Equipment Ltd. for $374,155 which includes tax and 10 per cent contingency amount of $32,394.
The project is for construction of a 330 metre water main extension along Coronation Street (Hwy 872) from Railway Avenue to William Street and will include four new fire hydrants and seven new service connections to adjacent properties.
Potential sources of funding will be $220,000 MSI Capital Fund, $50,000 from the Federal Gas Tax Fund and $574,698 from the Water Capital Reserve.
Other tenders were received from Grayson, $483,160; Wally’s Backhoe $495,668 and LBCO for $437,196.

Council reports
Coun. Shelley Cook reported the signage for the walking paths planned by the “Road to Success” will be mounted in the space between Coronation Home Decorating and the Barry Mason building.
Coun. Vickey Horkoff asked council to bring to her three ideas as to what Paintearth Economic Partnership Society (PEPS) can do for Coronation.
Under bill payment, CAO Sandra Kulyk noted the insurance bill for town property of $109,782,  is slightly higher ($106,000 approx.)than last year however, Kulyk said the office is looking into the insurance on the water tower.
Presently it is insured for replacement value of $200,000 which was the appraised value in 2012.  Insurance premium for the water tower is approx. $2,000.

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ECA Review

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