New leadership appointed to Clearview Board

Written by Cheryl Bowman

Scott Leys was appointed the new Superintendent of the Clearview Public School Board at the Aug. 24 board meeting.

He said his first priority is building new relationships and understanding Clearview. The Superintendent has met with two new principals and other leaders to Clearview to ensure their welcome.

He has met with other superintendents from central Alberta and the Alberta Education Field Manager. Superintendent Leys expressed his excitement for a new year ahead.

Additionally, Deputy Superintendent Daram Van Oyers announced that Clearview is ready to launch the new curriculum.

According to the board highlights of the meeting, confidence comes from work completed last year to gain an understanding of the curriculum and an implementation plan this year that includes regular professional development for teachers.

Organizational meeting
The board has acclaimed Guy Neitz as Chair and re-elected Kim Smyth as Vice-Chair.

Trustees decided not to increase honorariums or other compensations.

The board reviewed community memberships and it will include Shauna-lee Thomas and Greg Hayden as Clearview’s designates to the Alberta Rural Caucus, Erika Grice as the designate to the Alberta School Boards’ Association, Shauna-lee Thomas, John Schofer and Becky Scott as members of the Audit Committee and Guy Neitz, Becky Scott and Shauna-lee Thomas as members of the Communications and Engagement Committee.

Additional designations are Erika Grice, Greg Hayden and John Schofer as members of the Compensation Committee and Guy Neitz, Becky Scott and Shauna-lee Thomas as members of the Policy Committee.

It also listed Erika Grice, Greg Hayden and Guy Neitz as members of the Shared Use Recreational Fields Committee as well as the Joint Use Planning Committee, Erika Grice and Becky Scott as members of the Teacher-Board Liaison Committee and Erika Grice as representative to the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association.

From March 2022 to June 2022, Clearview has received $104,000 to help offset the rising fuel costs for transporting students to and from school.

The board advocated provincially for the government to take action during the 2021 to 2022 school year and is pleased they responded.

Trustees learned in July that Clearview will receive $50,000 in funding for dual credit programming.

It will be for students with agriculture-related and trade or apprenticeship programming through Olds College.

The province will also provide $10 million in new funding support to Alberta students in Grades two to four who need to get back on track since the pandemic.

Clearview plans to apply for funding based on assessments of student needs completed in September 2022.

Portable connection
Although the board has previously received funding from the province to add a portable to Gus Wetter School, they did not provide funding for a connection between the portable and the school.

Clearview asked the province for permission to use funds given to Clearview for Capital Maintenance and Renewal to create a connection.

Alberta Education Minister, Adriana LaGrange, approved the request over summer.

The anticipated cost of the connection will be between $160,000 and $200,000.

Daniel Gonzalez
ECA Review

About the author

Cheryl Bowman

Cheryl spent most of her childhood in Stettler, growing up on a quarter section north of town. After graduating from Stettler Composite High School she moved to Calgary where she worked in various industries, attended The University of Calgary and raised a family.

She enjoyed volunteering and contributed in a variety of ways, such as writing articles for the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and covering charitable events as a photographer.

She moved back to Stettler in 2023 where she still has family.