Clive council, at its Jan. 25 meeting, voted in favour of releasing $100,922 of the society’s money that is being held in trust at a Lacombe law firm. The money will go towards completing the purchase of the Fire Hall Catering property.
The Clive Community Resource Society is buying the building, which will become the new home for Clive’s library, the FCSS, a coffee room and a community programs room. Lacombe County committed $95,000 to the project and will pay when the project is complete.
The library is currently in the basement of the village office and moving it to the new building will make it more accessible to all residents and provide more space.
The society will buy the building in February and then start renovations to be completed by summer of 2016. Supernet will be installed.
The partnership includes the Neighborhood Revitalization Association, the Clive Public Library Board, the Neighborhood Place Board, the FCSS and the Village of Clive Council.
Clive council also unanimously voted in favour of allowing the Clive Resource Centre Society to enter the village’s Alberta Municipal Services Corporation (AMSC) energy program as a community organization, which allows them lower power and energy rates.
“They requested it and I don’t know how we could say no,” said Mayor Gillard.
The Clive library is already under the AMSC energy program and Mayor Gillard suggested council let the arena know about the program to help cut their costs.
The Clive Resource Centre Society will fall under the AMSC energy program starting Feb. 15.
Clive increases water by one per cent
Clive charges some of the lowest rates for water compared with neighbouring villages and towns and voted in favour of a one per cent increase overall for the base and usage.
Council, at its regular meeting Jan. 25, approved a base rate of $35.50 every two months, up from $34.58 in 2015. They also increased the over usage water rate to $1.68 m3, up one cent from last year.
“We’re very competitive,” said Chief Administrative Officer Carla Kenney.
Likewise, Mayor Anita Gillard agreed, saying, “we’re the lowest.”
CAO report
Chief Administrative Officer Carla Kenney told council at its Jan. 25 regular meeting, that she and Mayor Anita Gillard met with the new executive director, Kimberley Worthington, of Central Alberta Economic Partnership (CAEP) to discuss group marketing and tourism initiatives.
Clive is a member.