At the November 24, 2016 Board meeting the Board of Trustees moved that the Kindergarden to Grade 6 teachers from both Hanna Primary School and J.C. Charyk Hanna School be given Jan. 9, 2017 for classroom set up and commence busing of all students for the arrival to their new classrooms at J.C. Charyk Hanna School on Jan. 10, 2017.
The moving of resources and classroom items from Hanna Primary School to J.C. Charyk Hanna School will take place as the rooms are ready.
Budget / Audited Financial Statements
The Board passed a motion to accept the 2015-2016 Audited Financial Statements.
This year’s audit confirmed that PLRD’s accounting practices are in keeping with both general accounting practices and provincial regulations for school divisions.
The full report can be accessed on the PLRD Website at .
2016 Budget update
The secretary-treasurer provided the fall update to the 2016-2017 budget which is required to be submitted to Alberta Education.
An operating deficit of $271,439 is projected as compared to the spring budget deficit of $407,741.
The change results from the anticipated receipt of pre-regionalization insurance overpayments and reduced teacher average salaries due to newer teachers being hired.
Three-year Education Plan
The Board adopted the 2016 – 2019 PLRD Combined Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR).
This year the plan focuses on student achievement, health and wellness, division and school culture and instructional leadership.
Maximizing learning for every learner in inclusive classroom environments and improved results on diploma examinations at the standard of excellence are two key focuses.
PLRD’s results can be accessed at .