Council approved the job description for a casual attendant position at the Lions Rec Centre at their regular Feb. 11 council meeting.
The position will be part of the wage grid as a casual labourer starting at minimum wage.
Council will issue a letter to Rick Strankman, MLA expressing concern regarding the Community Airport Program (CAP) to have the province increase the funding to the program that will allow Alberta’s community airports to operate safely and without incurring excessive financial strain on the communities managing them, as per a request from Alberta Airports Management Association (AAMA).
Coronation has applied unsuccessfully for this funding every year, and according to Coun. Jackie Brigley talked to Alberta Transportation at every AUMA meeting.
“You’d think they [government] would want to keep them up,” said Coun. Keith Griffiths participating in the meeting via Skype.
According to Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Sandra Kulyk, the fund is “$2 million to be shared between 72 airports, that’s nothing.”
“Considering that [airports] were a gift from the government to the municipalities, they just start costing us money,” said Mayor Mark Stannard.
Doctors residences Councillors on the Physician Recruitment regional committee will discuss further with members at their next meeting as to the viability of maintaining a home in Coronation for physicians when homes deteriorate rapidly when no one is living in them.
“We’re not having to provide a house any more,” said Kulyk, with the changes made by Alberta Health Services.
“Houses don’t like to be empty,” Kulyk added.
Coronation council had previously motioned to see both homes sold but the County of Paintearth councillors motioned to retain the newer one.
Kulyk reported that their reasoning was the slow market right now.
“We don’t have to except low ball offers,” said Stannard. “Them sitting there just cost us money.”
Fire truck and agreement
Coun. Vickey Horkoff gave a quick synopsis on the fire department meeting she attended.
“The fire truck is in and it’s beautiful, they got the decals on, the [new] radios are working, they’re talking about joining Medical First Responders (MFR) and not joining MFR, talking about using the ‘IamResponding’ app, getting it and trying it out.”
One hundred and thirty-seven fire departments in Alberta and there are only four who are not MFR qualified.
They are still discussing it, and they do have people trained,” concluded Horkoff.
CAO Kulyk reported she was working with the neighbouring communities on the Contracted Fire Services Agreement.
The County had prepared a revised draft of the current agreement that committee members had suggested revisions.
There were clauses in the draft that related to proposed reductions in funding from the County over the next three years.
Follow-up meetings will be held, said Kulyk.
Kulyk noted from the Paintearth Economic Partnership Society (PEPS) meeting that they were no longer going to be operating the Tourist booth that is located at the Co-op Gas Station on Hwy 36 and 12 and instead will be exploring opportunities for more ambassador work to promote the PEPS region.
“Maybe 10 people a day,” during the July/August, said Mayor Mark Stannard when numbers were questioned.
“Can they not sit in the tourist booth and do their social media and serve those 10 people.
Because it’s 10 probably strangers,” asked Horkoff.
Bylaw Enforcement report saw another 25 sidewalks that needed attention along with six dog calls and one call regarding a cat.
Bylaws updated
Coronation council passed a revised Municipal Planning Commission Bylaw and the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw at their meeting as a result of changes to the Municipal Affairs Act.
J. Webster
ECA Review