Dear Editor,
Our once proud country, whose brave men and women fought for freedom in two World Wars, is now governed by Muppets.
Like Miss Piggy of “Muppet Show” fame, each province’s Medical Health Officer preens for the cameras, trying to justify their six-figure salaries by keeping the public living in fear.
The “Frog” Premiers are easily mesmerized by statistics and ever-changing “science”, incapable of rational thought or standing up to their respective “Miss Piggy”, and have totally forgotten that they are to represent their constituents.
Muppet Health Ministers also fear the Miss Piggys and try to out-do each other in appearing knowledgeable and “concerned”.
However, most Albertans have had enough of the fear and lock-downs. For the sake of our youth and seniors, we need to return to a normal lifestyle.
The neglect forced upon our seniors has been criminal. Once they’ve been vaccinated, must they still be left alone to die of something else?
Families need to freely get together, hug the grand-kids and simply enjoy the inter-generational love and learning that we all value.
Young people need to be free to hang out with friends and experience life.
We have learned the value of personal hygiene and staying home if you’re sick, but for most of us, COVID is behind us. We are ready to face death when it comes, but we want to LIVE the life we have left.
For those who can’t face the fear of death, by all means stay in hiding, and we will respect your right to do so.
Like Texas, it’s time to open up – at least in rural Alberta.
Our MLA is doing the best he can to represent us as a first term MLA, but he could use a little help. Wheatland lifted any lock-down measures in their county. How about joining them – Special Areas, County of Paintearth, County of Stettler…?
Are you men or Muppets?
Pat Holloway
Castor, Alta.