Municipal planning public engagement sessions held

County of Paintearth Chief Administrative Officer Michael Simpson answered questions Tues. Jan. 14 at the Coronation Community Centre for landowners, from the left, Jackie and Lorne Rodvang and Bill Heidecker, at one of four public engagement meetings held for the purpose of walking through the Municipal Development Plan and the Land Use Bylaw review. The meeting included a working supper and facilitated tabled sessions where all participants were asked to review and contribute to planning process, documents and land use considerations. ECA Review/J. Webster
Written by ECA Review

County of Paintearth Chief Administrative Officer Michael Simpson answered questions Tues. Jan. 14 at the Coronation Community Centre for landowners, from the left, Jackie and Lorne Rodvang and Bill Heidecker, at one of four public engagement meetings held for the purpose of walking through the Municipal Development Plan and the Land Use Bylaw review.

The meeting included a working supper and facilitated tabled sessions where all participants were asked to review and contribute to the planning process, documents and land use considerations.

ECA Review/J. Webster

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ECA Review

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