At Forestburg’s regular meeting of council held Thurs. Dec. 2, council was asked to consider naming a municipal assessor as requested after a check-in from Municipal Affairs auditors earlier this year.
Administration was advised by Alberta Municipal Affairs that the village would be subject to a random audit of the preparation of the assessment roll for the 2021 tax year.
The village is one of 18 villages, largely in east-central Alberta, that were randomly chosen for these audits.
The draft audit report has been received by administration and assessor, Larry James of Wainwright Assessment Group Ltd.
Both administration and the assessor have been given the opportunity to review and comment on the draft audit before it is finalized.
The draft provided states that “The Village of Forestburg, in preparing its assessment roll for the 2021 tax year, meets virtually all legislated standards” and that “an administrative review of the municipality’s management of the assessment program finds legislative requirements are in substantial compliance for the administration of bylaws, assessment rolls, notices, complaints and public relations.”
One element that the village appears not to be following legislation recommendations is with the process employed by the village in appointing their municipal assessor.
“Currently the contract with our third-party assessment provider is approved by council,” explained Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Dwight Dibben.
“The audit is recommending that a bylaw should be implemented that establishes the position of a designated officer and appoints the municipal assessor by name, not by a company or firm providing the services.
“The other draft recommendations relate to assessment notices, codes for exemptions and timelines related to complaint deadlines.”
Council questioned why they needed to appoint a specific person versus a whole firm to assess their books as someone could easily get sick or quit, having to change the bylaw once again.
CAO Dibben said “It’s an evolving best practice” and that it wasn’t mandatory as of yet.
He added that an interim assessor would be appointed for short-term reasons much like the CAO has one.
After discussion, council agreed to appoint James as the municipal assessor for the Village of Forestburg and that this position be established as a designated officer of the municipality.
They passed all three readings unanimously to carry out the bylaw.
Water charges
A letter was received asking that council provide an adjustment to utility account #4130001 water usage due to the meter not reading.
Administration has calculated the water readings and billings since November 2020 and has determined that the meter for this resident stopped reading in April 2021.
Based on their average consumption from November 2020 to April 2021 before the meter stopped, administration deemed a $50 credit to their utility account was necessary.
The policy for this type of occurrence states any account must pay for 10 cubic metres of water which equates to an average 3-4 person home usage for the month if the metre does not work.
This single occupant does not reach this measurement throughout their average.
Council passed a motion to reimburse the user by applying the $50 to their utility account.
Administration shared with council that there are still 70-80 water meters in need of replacement within Forestburg but due to the backlog on manufacturing, public works are replacing the meters as they come in from shipment.
Growth Incentive tax credit
A request has been received from the owners of Tax Roll #4500.000 for a Tax Credit in the amount of $1,000 with regards to the Community Growth Incentive Policy.
The property owner indicates in his/her letter that they have purchased a home in Forestburg and started a business.
The policy states that the business is to employ two employees or more which in this case the business only employs one person as a self-employed home-based business.
In keeping with the general intent and the program of the policy, administration recommends that the homeowner be considered for half of the credit at $500.
Council, after consideration, chose to follow administration’s recommendation.
FCSS Budget approved
The 2022 budget for Flagstaff Family & Community Services (FCSS) was provided for council’s approval.
The total budget is $399,316 and there is no change from last year.
There is no change to the per capita requisition request of $8.70 per person and Forestburg’s anticipated requisition will be the same as 2021.
Council approved the budget.
COW talk
In the Committee of the Whole (COW) conversation, council was impressed with the community function that took place on Fri. Nov. 26.
An appreciation was sent to administration and public works for pulling it off.
“That really was a great event. It was nice to see that many people out,” said Mayor Blaise Young.
Coun. Elaine Fossen, “The kids were out having a good time. We haven’t seen that for a bit so it was nice so thank you.”
Young added that the only negative comment received online was that few people were wearing masks on the Battle River Railway (BRR) rides.
He shared that BRR was checking to ensure everyone was vaccinated before allowing them to board.
In total, $1,005 was raised from the food bank from this event.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review