Dear Editor,
Too often we don’t take the time to show appreciation to those who take the time to make our communities a great place to live.
Today I want to change that and show my appreciation to Mayor Howard Helton.
Mr. Helton was Mayor of our Village for three years. It took courage, but Mr. Helton resigned from his position as Mayor because it became obvious that the Municipal Government Act (MGA) was not being followed when a councillor resigned a number of times but the Morrin Chief Administraive Officer (CAO) wouldn’t accept the resignation. The MGA is very clear that once a councillor resigns the resignation is effective immediately.
As a result of Mr. Helton resigning in protest it caught the attention of Municipal Affairs who then appointed an Official Administrator (OA) who became the whole council. He immediately removed the Deputy Mayor who had improperly been put in as Mayor.
None of this would have happened with Mr. Helton doing the right thing.
Mr. Helton accomplished a lot during the time he was Mayor. One of the biggest things he accomplished was saving our Village $179,000 which was set aside without approval, for a retirement package for the CAO. Instead Mr. Helton used this money to benefit all residents by having equipment installed that would allow residents to have water in their homes when the power went out.
The Mayor also approved the purchase of Christmas Lights to help brighten the Main Street.
He also approved the removal of the unsightly garbage and recycle bins on Main Street and replaced them with a small park that is a tribute to the farmers and us as a farming community.
Mr. Helton knew that the public having access to council agenda and minutes was important for the residents and to show openness and accountability of council. The fee established by the former council of $55 just for a one page agenda was simply not appropriate.
Prior to the previous council approving this fee I was personally told by the CAO that the public was not entitled to a copy of the agenda or minutes. With Mr. Helton’s direction residents can now receive a copy of both at no charge when attending a meeting.
At the time Mr. Helton began as Mayor, closed sessions were not being properly recorded. They are now.
Sewer problems in the Village are nothing new to anybody living here.
While Mayor, Mr. Helton had a number of sewer laterals checked with a camera to see if they were functioning properly.
As a result, four lateral lines were dug up and replaced.
Mr. Helton’s sewer was also scoped but the camera would only go in 26 ft. and couldn’t go further. Rather than run a snake and clear the line the obstruction was left.
Mr. Helton had to rent a PortaJohn as his sewer backs up when solids are put in the line.
For those who don’t know the Helton’s, they are senior citizens and for months now have to go outside, rain or shine, to use the facilities. Even though the Official Administrator tasked the CAO to deal with this months ago, nothing has been done, even after requests submitted by the Helton’s go unanswered.
Mr. Helton saw early on that our CAO needed financial assistance.
Other council and the CAO were dead set against it. I see recently that the Mayor was right all along as the OA is now using a Financial Assistant in the CAO’s office.
I not only want to thank Mr. Helton for the many hours he put in as Mayor to make our Village a better place to live but I want to let the residents know that Mr. Helton donated his salary as Mayor to a Village of Morrin organization. He also purchased, with his own money comfortable chairs for council chambers.
For years now Mr. Helton has mowed grass, blown snow, cleaned sidewalks and volunteers at the Hall. I know I have missed things but I think we all deserve to give Mr. Helton a pat on the back and a big THANK YOU.
Thank you Howard, for all of your time and effort, making Morrin a wonderful Village to live in.
John Siemens
Morrin, Alta.