Mirror’s idle curling building gets new life

Lacombe county

Lacombe County council approved a bylaw rezoning land in Mirror from recreational to commercial paving the way for a new business in that community.

“I’m quite pleased a vacant lot is going to become a business,” said Lacombe County Coun. Brenda McKnight at the county’s regular meeting Jan. 14. “It will certainly be an asset to the community.”

Coun. McKnight, however, said council couldn’t reveal the type of business yet coming to the hamlet.

The land, rezoned, contains the former Mirror Curling Club building. The club ceased operation in 2011 and the building has sat empty since. But before demolishing the building, Lacombe County asked the public for their input on the building’s future. The building and land, about six lots, were recently sold to a private owner who wants to start a commercial venture.

A public hearing was held in the county chambers Jan. 14. Council then gave a bylaw second and third reading allowing the rezoning of the land to proceed.

Increase in wastewater
Lacombe County council, at its Jan. 14 regular meeting, approved a 7.11 per cent monthly flat fee and consumption charge increase for Mirror residents.

Based on an average monthly consumption of 12 cubic metres of water per household the cost of the county providing utilities to Mirror will increase by 6.34 per cent, or $8.74, a month in 2016.

County council also approved a resolution to set the 2016 monthly garbage rate in Mirror at $17.71 per household.
During Lacombe County’s 2016 budget deliberations, staff reviewed the rates charged to Mirror, Gull Lake’s Lakeview Estates to see if the rates sufficiently funded the costs of those services and if there were enough reserves for future water and wastewater capital expenditures and annual operating deficits.

Staff’s review discovered that the current rates in Mirror wouldn’t sufficiently fund the 2016 operating expenses and the $29,710 reserve contribution. So a consumption and flat monthly fee increase to 7.05 per cent was recommended.  The 2015 combined water rate increase was 7.58 per cent. The projected 2016 year-end balance in the Mirror Waste Water reserve is $81,791.

Stormwater pond gets approval
Lacombe County council, at its regular meeting Jan. 14, gave second and third reading to a bylaw rezoning 20 acres of land owned by NOVA Chemicals from agricultural to heavy industrial to accommodate a new 202,184 cubic metre $11 million stormwater retention pond on 14 acres.

The retention pond will be east of the existing southeast retention pond, which has a capacity of 42,000 cubic metres and is used to catch and recycle runoff water from the site for re-use in operations after it’s softened and clarified.

The new pond will be located within the site fence line to limit people and wildlife from accessing the pond.

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