Dear Editor,
Canada’s socialist part time drama teacher prime minister (PM) from the very start declared off the cuff, “We will have to phase out Alberta’s oilsands”. Ever since, Alberta has had to fight tooth and toenail, including in the courts, to prevent the Liberal/NDP coalition from biting off the hand that feeds them.
I believe what they were really out to destroy is Alberta’s economic power in order to prevent a westward geopolitical shift which they simply refuse to tolerate. Instead these radical ideologues did a pretty good job of destroying the entire country as well.
The creeping carbon tax, the insane spending and dividing up of the spoils and kickbacks, coupled with their insane Woke (off the rails political correctness) policies have dug Canada into a hole which will probably take generations of ‘sane’ management to ever climb back out of.
A lot of people like me living on a fixed pension and eating far from what you might find on a jet plane sky-banquet menu, are starting to wonder what dog kibble is going to taste like. I can only hope I will be able to afford a little chokecherry flavoured, home made bathtub gin to wash it down.
Understandably the new U.S. administration does not have a lot of respect for a socialist neighbour that finds pride in clinging to it’s anemic peacekeeping role within a politically upended United Nations, and muzzles the speech of it’s own citizens, while letting the U.S. do all the real fighting and heavy lifting in the defense of freedom, ever since the end of the Second World War.
Additionally Canada’s next to delinquent financial contribution to NATO, hasn’t won us any points. And I don’t think the country gained a lot of favour either by repeatedly voting in a French first, Quebecor who prides himself in going around playing “Mr. Dressup”.
Now the Liberal/NDP socialist approach to dealing with the incoming trifecta U.S. administration, is to take a combative stance??
The Federal Government has no jurisdiction whatsoever over Alberta’s oil and gas resources, yet Trudeau, the ‘prorogation’ PM now has the gall to make hollow threats of cutting off our oil supply to the U.S.?
To this I say, mind your own business! We would only be shooting ourselves in the foot anyway, since our own gasoline supply is returned to us from U.S. refineries.
I don’t expect Liberal incompetence or hypocrisy to ever change.
Premier Smith is entirely qualified and entitled to deal directly with Trump on Alberta’s behalf, especially in light of the fact that there is no legitimate leadership remaining in Ottawa. I have a pretty strong feeling we would get a lot farther having Danielle speaking for us than we’re ever going to get with the present Liberal PM.
Don’t fall for the deception that the situation would be any better under Mark Carney.
As far as I’m concerned it wouldn’t break my heart if Alberta became the 51st State. We never did realize the 1905 promised equal partnership in Confederation and let’s face it, after all this time, we never will. I for one have seen enough of our position at the ‘shovel’ end of the Confederation Cow.
On the heels of the last nine year Clown Show, the title “Governor Smith”, sounds pretty good to me.
M.Lee Hudson
County of Paintearth