Mechanism for exposing corruption

Dear Editor,

I, as many thousands of others in parts of Canada, are appalled, fearful, cynical, embarrassed and very angry in what appears to be a decaying, supposed democracy called Canada.

Is there no mechanism to further expose the hypocrisy, the corruption, the total weakness and damage this Trudeau and party are doing to destroy and fragment this country?

The financial debt will be mind-boggling but of course, the taxpayers will never never know! The pandemic has given Trudeau a “free ride” which is even more disturbing! 

I have been reading lately of a possible coalition Conservative movement. Is this a viable option in order to possibly be a positive movement in the upcoming election? 

The Conservatives so need to unite both provincially and federally for any possible success in the next election.

If not, then Alberta had better move on its own for the protection of Alberta.


Gayle Smigg

Hanna, Alta.

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