Dear Editor,
I read with interest the article in the East Central Alberta Review. A very good insight to what is taking place all around us.
I want to thank the great people who work in our Alberta Health Care system. This is doctors – nurses – technicians – and all working staff.
I had the misfortune to have to test the health system out. This is why I wish to honour all these great people.
Every day they face the horror of overtaxed hospitals, and the chance of them suffering, like the people who they look after.
In the same statement I have no respect for these politicians playing stupid games with people’s lives.
With great emphasis, it should be pointed out that there is a so-called leader (Premier) that relaxed Christmas so the economy would boom, and him and his cronies can party.
This is similar to how he manipulated things, to the new old political party, and got rid of all the Wild Rose people.
Also it needs to be refreshed that he announced to the world that Alberta was open for business, and we were in for the great times from July on to eternity.
The virus joined the good times, and the hospitals filled up. Some had to be flown out to Quebec and Ontario to try to save their lives.
Now I was diagnosed with tumours that had to be attended to. Guess what? – my surgery was not cancelled, but was put on hold as there was ‘no room at the Inn’.
While I was forced to wait, my cancer tumours were growing, and so was my anxiety.
I was not alone, because there were lots of people in the same situation, and health wise, worse than me.
Some of these people never made it.
It should go without saying, that this so-called Premier is held responsible for the terrible stress he put on all health care people, and all people whose lives were put in danger.
One more policy this bird needs to be put on notice for, is this cutting of salaries and benefits. All these health care people need bonuses and extra benefits for being on the front lines.
The sad part is when he and his wealthy cronies are kicked out, they will walk away with big pensions. At least $200,000 a year. This is a taxpayer disgrace.
Our so-called Premier got on the news and bragged that he had done everything great, and the new virus strain didn’t have a chance over Christmas.
He made a claim that Alberta had the best system of any province. At this time he has the worst track record of any province and relaxed the Christmas restrictions.
Hospitals overload, “here we come!”.
Arnold McKee
Oyen, Alta.