Lower percentage of taxes received

Administration informed Castor council during the Aug. 13 regular meeting that only 76 per cent of taxes had been collected. Approximately $282,000 is left to collect.

“Usually we received around 90 per cent, although last year was low as well,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Sandi Jackson.

“There must be more demand on the food bank if this is the case,” said Coun. Tony Nichols.

“It is unfortunate and disappointing,” said CAO Jackson, regarding the low number of payments.

There currently are two properties that will be going up for tax sale later this year.

Together the properties owe approximately $33,000.

Council moved to hire Sidewalks Canada for a sidewalk condition assessment of the town’s concrete sidewalks.

This detailed assessment will identify and inspect all potential defect conditions within the town’s 7,500 metres of the sidewalk.

“This will give us options when prioritizing and budgeting,” said CAO Jackson.

“For $1,500 it may be beneficial,” said Coun. Lonny Nelner.

Firehall renovation

Council has motioned to proceed with the Firehall renovations. The project is estimated to cost approximately $149,000.

Administration informed council that there is currently $71,000 available, although there may be a lending option.

“I will look in to and apply for more grants,” said CAO Jackson. “When people see the work being done, it’s possible that more donations will come in,” said Mayor Richard Elhard.


Emily Wheller

ECA Review

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