Lots available for development!

Written by ECA Review

Dear Editor:

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Village of Morrin is reported to have stated that the Village of Morrin has property available for development and has contacted a contractor and/or developer.

What good news!

I would encourage any and all interested contractors and/or developers to contact the Village of Morrin for further information. (“The More the Merrier”!)

The Village website has been a topic of discussion by council and administration over the past months.

It was reported by the CAO that the website provider, 356 Creative, was not posting her submissions in a timely manner thus resulting in a lack of information being available to the public.

Deputy Mayor MacArthur was to look into the matter. It was reported in the Wed. July 12, 2023 rescheduled meeting of council that the Village will buy the website for control with a view to overcoming deficiencies.

As an aside, I hope there is a contractor and/or developer out there who would be able to repair the Village’s compromised sewer lateral from our property so we would no longer have to endure sewer backups (two so far in 2023).

Howard Helton
Morrin, Alta.

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