Local Classifieds

Coming Events
Paintearth Lodge Tea & Bake Sale. Thursday, Nov. 16th. 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Everyone Welcome!

SOCIAL & Annual General Meeting of the Spondin  Ag Society, Mon. Nov. 13, 7:30 p.m. at Spondin Community Hall. Come out and enjoy refreshments and snacks with your neighbours and a little bit of business. Your attendance will help determine the future of Spondin.

ARE YOU AFFECTED by someone else’s drinking? There is help for you. Call Al-Anon 403-356-0320 or go to www.al-anon.ab.ca

TURKEY SUPPER Sunday, Nov. 26, Brownfield Rec Centre.

About the author

ECA Review

Our newspaper is only as good as its contributors and we thank each one who submits stories, photos and opinions. If you have a news item, photos or opinion to share please submit it to office@ECAreview.com.