Local Classifieds

FOR SALE: Antique Red Seal gasoline 4 cyl. engine, hand clutch, belt driven, came from the Searle Grain Co., shedded. Tranquilizer rifle with equipment. Phone 1-403-742-2661 or email dstanger@xplornet.com.

PASTURE Wanted: Will pay competitive rates, maintain fences, and check often. Good to deal with. Quiet cattle. Please call Travis 403-994-1065.

Coming Events
AUG LONG Extravaganza, 2nd annual, Aug. 3 – 5, 2024, Burma Park. Kids carnival & games, horseshoe and corn hole tournaments, homerun derby and more. Sat. 10 am Pancakes! Sun. 9 am breakfast. Booth open all day. Rib Supper Sat. night with limited tickets, call Karin 403-575-5865.

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ECA Review

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