Local Classifieds

Farm Machinery
NEW HOLLAND 1002 Stackliner (55 bale wagon). Ideal for smaller tractors. 403-787-2296, cell 403-820-2281.

BLACK ANGUS yearling bulls for sale. Contact Roger Spady 780-879-3941.

BULLS FOR SALE, Black Angus, Red Angus and Polled Hereford bulls, Yearling and 2 Year Olds, Heifer bulls and Performance bulls. Glenrose Polled Herefords and Angus, Ken Prichard 780-608-6080, Camrose.

For Sale
FOR SALE: Antique Red Seal gasoline engine, hand clutch & belt driven, came from Searle Grain Co., shedded. Tranquilizer rifle with equipment. Phone 1-403-820-0854.

PASTURE Wanted: Will pay competitive rates, maintain fences, and check often. Good to deal with. Quiet cattle. Please call Travis 403-994-1065.

Coming Events
SPECIAL Public Meeting will be held at the P & H Elevator Tues. June 25, 7:30 p.m. The future of the Stettler P&H Elevator is facing uncertain times and the community’s wishes need to be discussed. Please attend. For info 403-740-4799; stettlergrainelevator@gmail.com.

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ECA Review

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