Local Classifieds

Real Estate
STETTLER FARM. 134 acres, 2 heated Shops 40 x 32; Cold Storage 90 x 30; Ranch Hand Home. $950,000. Gil 403-708-0903. BizPlanSell.com.

ATTENTION Developers. Stettler Commercial Highway Lots 70,000-190,000. Perfect for Strip Mall, Stand alone 24 Hour Diner, Motel. Gil 403-708-0903, BizPlanSell.com.

PURPLE Martin bird house for sale. Drop by the house and have a look. 4510 – 50 Ave. Stettler, Alta.

PASTURE Wanted: Will pay competitive rates, maintain fences, and check often. Good to deal with. Quiet cattle. Please call Travis 403-994-1065.

Coming Events
ARE YOU AFFECTED by someone else’s drinking? There is help for you. Call Al-Anon 403-356-0320 or go to www.al-anon.ab.ca

BROWNFIELD Library Rummage Sale. Sat. May 11, 10a.m. – 3p.m. Brownfield Rec. Centre
Bag Sale @ 2:00. Concession – Stuffed Potato Co. Check FaceBook for Drop Off times.

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ECA Review

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