Local Classifieds

 Real Estate
Kamloops B C, Lake front property, 0.42 Acre. Pinantan Lake. Water front cabin plus large lake view building lot. $169,900.00 Call Ian Lyons, 250-319-6351.
 For Rent
FOR sale or rent. Eastside of duplex at 4909 Imperial Avenue, Coronation, Ab. $750/m plus utilities. No pets, non smoker preferred. Available April 1, 2013. Call 403-578-2189
SEMI loads of logs delivered to your door for firewood. Spruce, pine, poplar, tamarack. Price depends on location. Call Lil Mule Logging Inc. 403-318-4346
2150 joints of 2 3/8″ Structural Redband Tubing @ $33.00/jt loaded truck in Wainwright, AB. Call 780-842-5705 for more information.
 Farm Machinery
FOR SALE: One Heston BP 25 Bale Processor; new hammers, new drum bearings. One New Holland 352 Mixer Mill used very little both shedded. For more information call 403-741-5744.
VINTAGE snowmobiles wanted. Will entertain anything from 60’s to mid 80’s. Free air, liquid cooled or fan. Any makes or models. The older the better! Call 780-905-4209.
 Help Wanted
SMITTY’S STETTLER requires 3 full time hosts/hostesses with pro serve certificate, exp. an asset. $9.76/hr, references req. Must be bondable and reliable, fax resume to (403) 742-1810 or apply in person to the manager.
CONCESSION Contractor: Shorncliffe Park Improvement Association requires someone to operate the concession at Shorncliffe Lake from May 1 to Sept. 2, 2013. Send applications to: Box 144 Czar, Ab. T0B 0Z0. Deadline: April 25, 2013. Call 780-857-2131 for more info.
 Coming Events
CONSORT Dinner Theatre “Murder Is A Game” Mystery Comedy. April 20, 21, 26, 17, Tickets Mar. 20. Phone 403-577-2740.
SPRING has sprung at Lougheed Gift & Garden. Easter Lilies and Hydrangeas, houseplants,giftware, yard decor and more. Seeds and starting supplies. Proven winners plants to get your pots started. It’s always spring in the Greenhouse. Come in and get refreshed!!  Lougheed Gift & Garden,        780-386-2402. Now open Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 5:30.
PLEASE come help Wilf Sieger celebrate his 90th birthday. Talbot Hall, March 30, 2-4 pm. No gifts please.
LIONS 38th Annual Consort Gun & Hobby Show, Sat. April 13th, 10 am – 5:30 pm, Sun. April 14th, 10 am – 3:30 pm, Consort Sportex. 2000 ft. of display and trade tables in the Arena & Curling Rink. Good food. Non-restricted and restricted firearm license testing and boating exams available. Additions: Sat. Bingo 1-4 pm, supper and dance. Sun. Gospel music 10 am followed by “Open Mic”. Call Doug or Adah 403-577-3818.
HANNA Curling Club general meeting. Wed, Mar 27, 7 pm @ Curling Club. For more info call 403-857-8239.

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ECA Review

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