To ensure clarity and reference to the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) policy, council took a look at some possible changes.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Theresa Fuller found the policy to be lacking when it comes to LAPP contributions and staff unpaid time off.
The policy is put in place to provide information for staff as to how paid and unpaid time off can impact their pension.
Administration is also working on booking an Alberta Pensions representative to give more insight into the matter.
A full pensionable year can change when all sick days and vacation time applicable are used up.
Employees then have the choice to pay back the difference to return to a pensionable year or leave as is.
CAO Fuller noted the policy is “putting it in the employee’s court to top up or choose not to.”
Council approved the motion to accept the changes to the policy.
Balance variance report
Council were guided through the current balance variance report, led by CAO Fuller.
For the revenue side of monetary reports, building permit fees were up.
They had initially predicted $3,000 in fees but were pleasantly surprised to receive $6,123 to date.
In her notes, CAO Fuller noted it can be tricky to determine how much you will get for these building permits.
“For the most part, revenue is in alignment,” said CAO Fuller.
Firefighting is always unpredictable in the same way the building fees are as no one will know how many calls will be responded to.
Water is on track for usage.
For expenses, firefighting has exceeded a couple of places due to national mandatory training and fire codes safety training for the fire chief.
The old 1981 fire truck that was sold to the Bashaw Ag Society was still on the books.
Before it was sold, some unanticipated repairs were needed to get it operational again, increasing some spending.
Overall, the department has used 71 per cent of its allotted expenses.
Equipment repairs has made an impact on shop expenses, spending nearly $6,000 over what was predicted.
Public works bought a steamer to help aid in the unthawing of frozen water lines.
Frozen pipes were a large problem the town had last season. Violence and harassment training also added to this. The department is sitting at 80 per cent.
For tourism and advertising, the new town signs that replaced the old faded ones cost over $4,000 but the town has “gotten quite a few compliments on that” according to the CAO.
Council echoed their joy in getting the new signs installed.
Organizational meeting
Each year, municipalities are required to hold an organizational meeting.
These meetings determine when and where meetings will be held, councillor positions and their corresponding boards and committees, mileage and councillor wages.
The town of Bashaw held theirs on Thurs. Oct. 17.
Not many changes were made.
Meetings will continue to be held on the first and third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m.
Penny Shantz was named mayor once again while Rosella Peterman took on deputy mayor.
The last change to councillor per diem rates was in 2017 with an increase of $50.
Council still felt this amount of $350 per month per councillor and $475 per month for the mayor was appropriate, leaving it as is.
A change to meal expenses was proposed.
CAO Fuller noted that $60 may not be enough for a day’s worth of meals if, for example, one councillor was staying in Banff for a conference which is often more expensive.
For three meals, the CAO budgeted $30 per meal for a grand total of $90 a day.
Council agreed to the change by passing a motion to accept rate changes specific to meals under the master rates and fee schedule bylaws.
The group established their various committees with little changes to positions conference which are often more expensive.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review