The Village of Clive will investigate the idea of a partnership with a local service club to bring a spray park to the community. The decision was made after councillors heard a presentation from the Clive Lions Club at the Oct. 23 regular council meeting.
Councillors heard a presentation from Lions Club spokesperson Beverley Krochak, who also provided them with details in a letter.
“We would like to donate a spray park to the village at no cost to the taxpayers,” stated Krochak to councillors. “We will fund the project from our own account and grant monies.
“We would like to request you donate us a piece of property for this project and the ability for the village to do the upkeep on it.
“We were hoping to acquire the land beside the playground at the ball diamond. We know the swings are there but they were deemed unsafe when they were taken from the school 25 years ago. We feel they should be removed.”
Krochak noted this spot was selected because it’s close to a water source, an important part of a spray park’s infrastructure.
“The park itself runs on a recycling water cistern,” stated the Lions Club letter. “It would only have to be filled in the spring and then emptied in the fall. All sprays would be run on timers and set to shut off at a certain time at night until morning.”
Krochak stated the Lions Club is concerned people are leaving Clive to enjoy spray parks in other communities. “We feel we are losing many of our residents and their children to other towns with spray parks, Ponoka, Lacombe, Blackfalds,” stated Krochak. “We have many families with children that would enjoy the park both urban and rural and nearby villages like Tees and Alix.”
She went on to explain the spray park would draw visitors to Clive and benefit local businesses.
The Lions Club stated they plan to apply for grants to help fund this project but if a grant from the Recreation fund was unsuccessful, the Lions Club would ask for a donation from the village’s recreation account.
“We feel this would be a huge achievement for our little village,” she added.
During discussion it was further clarified the Lions Club was asking the village to donate land and also manage the spray park once its in operation.
Village Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Carla Kenney asked Krochak where the Lions Club is at with this spray park project right now.
Krochak answered her council presentation is the first move as the club didn’t want to progress until it knows a parcel of land is secure.
As discussion continued Krochak stated other sites in the general area in the playground and ball diamonds would also suffice.
Kenney pointed out the recirculating water system is initially more expensive but saves money in the long run.
Coun. Sarah Fahey stated she felt this sounds like a good idea.
Councillors unanimously approved a resolution to have village staff begin talks with the Lions Club on this idea and report back to councillors at a future meeting.
Stu Salkeld
Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review