Let us play rally takes hold of east central region

Students holding various coloured signs stood in front of the Consort Sportsplex on Tues. Jan. 26. Photo courtesy of Amy Witherdan
Written by ECA Review

Players from Coronation in front of the Coronation Memorial Arena on Tues. Jan. 26. ECA Review/J.Webster

Students holding various coloured signs stood in front of the Consort Sportsplex on Tues. Jan. 26. Photo courtesy of Amy Witherdan

Communities across east central Alberta including Castor, Coronation, Consort, Delburne, Hughenden, Irma, Oyen and Provost gathered to demonstrate in front of local arenas to share their frustration of not being able to play sports and the toll the pandemic has had on children’s mental health Tues. Jan. 26.

Signs saying ‘Let us dance’, ‘Let us play’, ‘We miss hockey’ and more could be seen from the variety of signs shown from school children.

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