Legion membership is open to all Canadians

Dear Editor,
Established in 1926, the Royal Canadian Legion is the largest Veterans service organization in Canada with more than 320,000 members and 1,450 branches. The Stettler branch #59 opened its doors in 1928, just two years after the Legion was founded and this past March, proudly celebrated its 85th Anniversary.
Like many branches across the country, the Stettler branch is making positive changes to deal with a new fiscal reality, due to declining membership, but the branch is alive and well and will continue to enjoy support from, and invest in, the Stettler community.  Memberships are being renewed, the branch is open for coffee, sports, meat draws and special events. We invite you to join us and show your support:
From Monday to Friday bring your friends for coffee.
On Wednesday, join us for Happy Hour and ‘Fun Sports Nights’.
On Friday and Saturday, the branch is open with the popular Meat Draws.
In communities across Canada, it is the Legion that perpetuates ‘Remembrance’ through the Poppy Campaign and Remembrance Day ceremonies. The Legion also supports programs for seniors, veterans housing, long term care, youth leadership, education, sports, cadets guides and scouts.
Stettler Branch #59 has played a huge part in the support of the community over the years, donating thousands of dollars to many groups and projects. The branch currently supports youth groups, continues to support their Legion Midget Blues hockey team as well as donating largely to the Stettler Health Services Foundation and long term care facilities that house Veterans and as always our top priority is ensuring that our Veterans needs are met.
With the help of AB/NWT Command, legions within the province have the expertise available to them to remain financially viable. We as citizens owe our freedom to those who fought to let us enjoy each and every day in peace.
Membership is open to all Canadians. To join the Royal Canadian Legion, you do not need to have a military connection. Membership is only $45 and that entitles you to enter any Royal Canadian Legion in Canada. Help keep our Stettler Branch #59 strong and active.
We Will Remember Them.
Susan Mitchell, Gina Bossert and Antonius Vanderburg (Trustees)

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