Learning traditions

Written by ECA Review

October has come and gone, and we were all so grateful at Theresetta for the beautiful weather that accompanied our fall activities.
The kinderkids enjoyed learning about autumn by studying leaves, making applesauce, and discovering that pumpkins float!

They have also been working hard at building and extending patterns and exploring quantities to 10. They are even starting to blend sounds to make words.

The Grade 3-4 class led a very meaningful Thanksgiving service to help us all focus on the many blessings we have.

This class has also been learning about the traditions and celebrations of different countries around the world. They discovered that Peru celebrates Carnival, and that they often have parades with masks. The students enjoyed making their own masks followed by an afternoon full of their own carnival activities.

The incredible fall weather was perfect for the cross-country meets held in Big Valley (CARA) on Oct. 4, and in Red Deer (CWAJHAA) on October 12.

The top 10 finishers at CARA were Danica Boger (4th), Simone Fetaz (5th), Daphne Fuller (8th) for Grade 8 girls; Owen Beaumont (5th – Grade 8 boys); Boston Slemp (1st), Reuben Fetaz (2nd) for Grade 9 boys.

At CWAJHAA, where the competition included schools throughout Central Western Alberta, Danica placed 9th, Boston 4th and Rueben 10th.
Congratulations to these talented runners!

Volleyball has been very successful for all our teams this month.

The A girls have won all their league games, as well as placing first in three tournaments. The B girls, who have players from Grades 4-7, finished second in Stettler’s and Forestburg’s B tournaments.

The boys have also been on a winning streak in the league, as well as placing first at the Forestburg tournament and second in Stettler.

Girls B Theresetta Volleyball team win silver at Forestburg tournament.      From the left, back row, Mr. Finkbiner, Sky Barnes, Tessa Beaumont, and Murry Bicknell; kneeling, Leah Boxma; front row, Chloe Barnes, Abby Boxma and Aubrey Younger. ECA Review/Submitted


One of the highlights for our students this month was being able to resume our visits to the Lodge and Long Term Care (LTC). On Oct. 25, the Grades 3 – 6 music classes entertained the residents at LTC with Halloween songs, and the K – 2 students did the same at the Lodge.
Mr. Fetaz’s religion classes also visited both places that same week to help with pumpkin carving.

The week before Halloween the Junior High Student council put on a Candy Jar Guessing Contest.

Students brought in food bank donations to “buy” their guesses and there were four scrumptious jars to choose from. Students who guessed the closest number without going over got to take home the candy!

The Student Council was very happy to collect two boxes of donations for our local food bank. Also, put on by the Student Council was a Haunted Halloween Maze for students on Mon. Oct. 31. Students got the chance to walk through the maze and were surprised by some scary masked monsters who were hidden throughout.

Students from all grades then gathered in the gym to have a school-wide costume contest. Everyone introduced who they were dressed up as and the Student Council awarded “best dressed” from each grade along with candy for all in attendance. It was a spooktacular way to kick off the Halloween activities that classes enjoyed in the afternoon!

Owen Beaumont and Leah Boxma present food bank items collected from Halloween Candy Guess Contest at Theresetta school to Sue Goodkey who is representing the Food Bank. ECA Review/Submitted

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ECA Review

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