Lagoon valve replacement project gets nod from Clive council

Written by ECA Review

Clive council authorized the lagoon valve replacement project during their Aug. 21 regular council meeting.

Public Works Foreman Steve Zaytsoff spoke to council and explained that the valves at the lagoon are failing and need to be replaced.

Public works is looking at inlet flow meters, as it is required as they are now connected to Hwy 12 and 21.

“There’s supposed to be metering entering the plant as well as leaving the plant so your numbers match,” said Zaytsoff.

Zaystoff explained that he had gotten advice on the project as it would have to be audited this year.

“So what was happening is if you can see right here, some discolouration, it’s leaking, and it’s closed,” said Zaystoff. “We’re basically thinking it is rotten.”

According to the agenda package, the only competitive quote they have received is $97,000.

For funding, they currently have $16,000 in sewer capital reserves and $20,000 in sewer operating reserves; however, there is still funding available in the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) funding.

Alberta Days celebration 
Council has been approved for funding for their Alberta Days Celebration, which will be hosted on Sept. 1.

“I guess we will make this [Alberta Days] happen, it is a good opportunity, though,” said Mayor Luci Henry. “Because the firehall had an interest in doing a movie in the park so this was kind of a good way to get funding.”

The food samplers will have food from different cultures. Currently, council is looking at Filipino taste samples, Swiss taste samplers, Ukrainian taste samplers, Indigenous taste samplers and Western taste samplers.

Equipment auction
Zaytsoff has been permitted by council to purchase needed equipment from auctions, with a budget of $15,000.

According to Zaytsoff, allowing him to purchase equipment from auctions will save money as they would not be paying full price for the equipment.

Council agreed that giving Zaytsoff a budget of $15,000 to buy equipment would make sense and help them long term as they can get more equipment for less money.

Jessica Campbell
ECA Review


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