Kneehill museum on the grow

Rafters swing into place Thursday, Aug. 22 as the Kneehill Historical Society’s newest building in Three Hills pushes ahead to a May 2025 completion.ECA Review/D. Nadeau

Let’s call it a triple win.

The Kneehill Historical Society in Three Hills wins with a new two-story, 9,000 square foot museum addition, local contractors win because they got the contracts, and museum patrons will benefit as they enjoy expanded display space for community histories, events, and achievements.

Dubbed the Connections Building, museum president Rosalie Lammle said the new facility will cost $1.2 million, with generous funding assistance from foundations, local and provincial governments, commercial interests, and “many donors from across Kneehill County.”

Lammle pointed to the museum’s plans to incorporate a preservation–conservation shop and a seminar room for storytelling with photos, videos, archives, records, and artifacts.

Project Manager Don Maxwell expects the roof will be on by early September. His goal? Finish the project by May 15, the society’s 50th anniversary.

The energy-efficient building includes elevator and stairwell access to the second floor where community histories will be featured.

Currently,  the museum’s 20,000 artifacts are stored and displayed in other buildings on the property.

David Nadeau
ECA Review

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David Nadeau