Killam Health Centre upgrades

Press release Alberta Health Services

More than $145,000 has been invested at the Killam Health Care Centre to replace medical oxygen and vacuum systems.

These systems deliver necessary medical gases to surgical and patient care areas, including the emergency department and inpatients suites.

“We are proud of the excellent care provided by our Killam Health Care Centre physicians and staff,” says Sheli Murphy, Covenant Health Senior Operating Officer for Rural Services. “Maintaining our facilities is essential to ensuring patients receive the best care possible.

“These projects help maintain our facilities and ensure our patients stay well,” adds Kerry Bales, Chief Zone Officer for the Central Zone of Alberta Health Services (AHS). “It is also vital we keep our health care infrastructure up to date.”

Funding for these projects came from the Government of Alberta’s Infrastructure Maintenance Program (IMP). In recent years, additional IMP funding has been invested in other projects at the Killam Health Care Centre, including boiler replacement and resurfacing of the parking lot.

“No matter where you live in the province, it’s important that your health care needs can be met as close to home as possible,” says Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Health. “These projects help make that a reality, and are part of our commitment to manage and improve health infrastructure and capital across Alberta.”

AHS, in partnership with Covenant Health, Alberta Infrastructure and Alberta Health, is building and renewing facilities across the province to provide accessible, sustainable, quality health care to all Albertans. AHS currently has about 270 maintenance projects underway throughout the province.

Each year, AHS submits a list of IMP priority renovation, repair or upgrade projects for the next three years to Alberta Health and Alberta Infrastructure to ensure the projects meet program criteria.

Projects are ranked in priority from those that must be done immediately to ensure safety and health of patients and staff, to non-urgent projects that need to be addressed over time.

AHS maintains over 450 facilities throughout the province, including hospitals, clinics, continuing care facilities, and community health sites.
Covenant Health operates 17 health facilities in 12 communities throughout Alberta. A key partner in the health system, Covenant Health serves all Albertans across the full continuum of care from birth to end of life, including comprehensive emergency care, mental health, supportive living and continuing care. Covenant Health is committed to serving the whole person – body, mind and soul – with compassion, respect and integrity.

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

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