Injured owl takes refuge at home near Bashaw

An owl, looking to have an injured wing took refuge under the deck at the Ilene Wright home near Bashaw, Alta. on Oct. 5. Medicine River Wildlife Centre rescued the Great Horned mature female and will bring it back and release it once mended. Owls mate for life and Wright suspects the mate is searching for her as she hears an owl hooting every night. ECA Review/Ilene Wright
Written by ECA Review

An owl, looking to have an injured wing took refuge under the deck at Ilene Wright’s home near Bashaw, Alta. on Oct. 5.

Medicine River Wildlife Centre rescued the Great Horned mature female and will bring it back and release it once mended.

Owls mate for life and Wright suspects the mate is searching for her as she hears an owl hooting every night.

ECA Review/Ilene Wright

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ECA Review

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