Coronation town council
Coronation town council opted to move the Skate shed that’s use is intended for skaters using the outdoor skating rink on the tennis courts for putting on skates but is being used as a ‘sex shack’.
It was reported to council at their regular meeting Apr. 11 that the outdoor skate shed in Coronation is being as a “sex shack” as well as a place to smoke and do drugs by kids as young as 13 and 14 years of age.
Council decided to have the shed moved to the public works yard until further decisions can be made for its use.
No issues with audit
Curtis Gabinet of Endeavor Chartered Accountants reported that for the second year in a row that there are no actual significant matters that need to be reported to council following the town’s recently completed audit for the year ending December 31, 2015.
Gabinet went on to say there were no issues with management during the course of the audit, no other consultations with other auditors and no concerning transactions.
Snow plow removal changes
Council reviewed the Snow and Ice Control Policy and made recommendations for amendments to the policy and the suggested changes to the snow clearing priority list were discussed with the Public Works Manager, Allan Smith.
Smith did not see any problem with the changes council proposed therefore the Public Works Department will implement snow-plowing operations in accordance to priority as follows:
The priority list is as follows: Fire Hall and Ambulance Bay Driveways, Doctor’s residences, clear route from York Avenue residence to George Street, past school and west on Norfolk Avenue to Royal Street, clear back alley behind Imperial Avenue residence to Mary Street and west on Norfolk Avenue to Government Road, Government Road leading to the Hospital, • Railway Avenue (Government Road to Coronation Street), Victoria Avenue (Government Road to Coronation Street), Royal Street, all other residential, commercial and industrial streets in the order to be determined at the discretion of the Public Works Foreman.