Local hypnosis mainstay Hypnosis for Health and Happiness, Trisha Fuller is showing support for the medical community, first responders and other essential health care practitioners seeking relief from COVID-19-induced stress.
Hypnosis for Health and Happiness is currently offering a free hypnosis session via Zoom or phone in an effort to do its part to help nurses and other healthcare practitioners during this extended crisis.
Now more than ever the effects of long-term stress are taking their toll on healthcare providers.
Anxiety and fear are natural responses. Having these feelings for over a year is not normal and creates havoc in the immune system and decreases sleep.
Hypnosis for Health and Happiness is working with them to navigate and handle these feelings. There is an opportunity for them to reset and find some time for themselves by using hypnosis.
A happy side effect of hypnosis is that it is impossible to produce stress hormones during hypnosis sessions!
“These online sessions are easy, fast and extremely effective for stress, fear, anxiety and sleep.
They are designed to help people feel more calm and more in control,” Trisha Fuller says.
Fuller says she had a free session with a contact tracing nurse who was having difficulty with anxiety, sleeping and feeling overwhelmed.
She worried about everything, working from home, school closure, her economic future, thoughts were always racing through her mind.
“I can’t tell you how much my home hypnosis session helped me. I am already feeling calmer and am sleeping much more soundly. When I find my thoughts spinning, I can use a sleep hypnosis recording and find myself calmly drifting off to sleep.” Says local nurse, Angela Erza.
“We see the world through images that our mind creates, whether they are real or imagined. Either way it creates a real fight or flight response in the body.
Hypnosis is an amazing opportunity to combat that response, curb negative emotions and create a useful and calm resource state.” Fuller explains. “Hypnosis for Health and Happiness is here to help.”
About Hypnosis for Health and Happiness
In practice since 2011, Red Deer and Camrose-based Hypnosis for Health and Happiness offers stress release through complete hypnosis programs in person or online across Canada. Free consultations and customized programs are available.
To schedule your free hypnosis session you can call 403-33-HYPNO 403-334-9766. www.HypnosisForHealthAndHappiness.ca,403-33-HYPNO 403-334-9766.