‘Housewife’ demands Reeve steps down

Steps have been taken following County of Paintearth’s Reeve Stan Schulmeister’s comments regarding a potential agricultural service board (ASB) applicant.

Marilyn Weber, the applicant noted as a “Housewife somewhat” by Schulmeister during the selection process, has requested the Reeve to step down from his position for his comment.

“I felt that his public comments were disrespectful and unfair and insulting,” said Weber.

“Myself as a woman in this day and age should not have persons in power having the right to denigrate women regardless of their occupation and nowhere in my letter, application to serve on the ASB, did I make any reference as to what I do in the privacy of my own home.”

In a letter addressed to councillors and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Michael Simpson, Weber noted the Councillor Code of Conduct they run by.

She requested an immediate response.

Council will be going into a closed session at their regular meeting to discuss the issue.

The county is allowed to do this under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, Section 20(1)(h) and Section 27 (1)(b)(iii) according to the CAO.

“The County has received a complaint from Mrs. Weber and there is a formal process in place with rules that must be followed,” said CAO Simpson.

“The council takes this matter seriously and will have a discussion about this matter in closed session on January 14. The public will be notified of council’s decision once they have reviewed the matter.”


Terri Huxley

ECA Review

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ECA Review

The East Central Alberta Review (ECA Review), formerly known as the Coronation Review, is a newspaper that services 28,000+ homes each week.