Representatives from the companies responsible for internet services and billing, Rebecca Lagos of Valo Networks and Matt Boody, the newly appointed general manager for Tether Communications, were in attendance at the regular Delburne village council meeting on Jan. 25, 2022.
Boody is originally from Three Hills and is very familiar with the area.
“It’s not been a perfect process, ” said Lagos, “but we have appreciated your patience as you are the first community to be rolled out.”
High fibre cable has been installed in 70 per cent of the homes and after one year renewals are now starting to come in. Those residents who did not accept high fibre cable when the company initially went through are now responsible for the cost of trenching and installation should they now want the service.
A solution to allow for direct bank withdrawals for payment is imminent.
Councillor Faulk said she has received some complaints that the internet is slower than expected. Lagos encourages any user facing difficulties to call their Tech line. Often the answer is the older equipment can’t accommodate the new speed.
CAO Fagan agreed, saying the hard drive on her computer was upgraded and now her computer can take full advantage of the new speed.
Many other municipalities are interested in Delburne’s high-speed connectivity roll out.
By-election called
The resignation of Bill Chandler as councillor was received. Chandler stated that he won’t be in Delburne much anymore and that the correct thing to do would be for the community to have a full-time resident.
Motions were passed to set the nomination deadline, by-election date, location, hours and advance polls.
A subsequent motion appointed CAO Karen Fegan as the Returning Officer and Helen Overwater as the Substitute Returning Officer.
Council members expressed their thanks for Chandler’s dedication, leadership and enthusiasm during his time on council and wished him the best.
Grant allocation
The Community Support Group committee has just under $80,000 ($6,000 from the Village, the remainder from the province) to allocate each year.
Some grants fall under a regular allocation with the remainder held for individual applications throughout the year.
A motion was passed to add the drop-in centre to the annual allocations, and to increase the curling rink and museum by $500 and the skate park by $250.
A motion was unanimously passed to allocate the curling rink, cemetery, museum, outdoor field and drop-in centre $5,000 each; the community hall $7,500 and the skateboard park $1,500, totalling $34,000.
A motion was also passed to appoint Cassidy Chambers to the Community Support Grant committee.
Outdoor Winter Event
A motion was unanimously passed to close down traffic on 18 Street between 23 and 24 Avenues on Sat. Feb. 26 for an outdoor winter event.
Shari Caffett, FCSS coordinator has planned an outdoor winter event to coincide with the launch of the crokicurl rink.
With the enthusiasm of local partners and groups, the event has grown to include snowshoeing, Nordic walking, disc golf, hot dogs, hot chocolate, LED furniture and kids’ activities.
Administrator’s report
CAO Fegan was pleased to report that Delburne’s request to Municipal Affairs for an extension to the Lagoon Desludging Municipal Stimulus Program was approved to Dec. 31, 2022. The work has to be done when the ground is not frozen.
Tax penalty letters were sent out in January for those who have yet to pay, as well as tax notification warning letters and one possible tax sale auction letter.
Last year, owners of Plan 0024728, Block 11, Lot 1 asked and were granted tax penalty forgiveness as long as they paid their taxes in full by Dec. 31, 2021. As they failed to meet this deadline, July 1, 2021 tax penalties were re-applied as well as the 2022 penalty.
It has been determined that an error was made when the Municipal Planning Commission denied an application for a Fawn Meadows homeowner to construct a garage in their backyard in February 2020.
Subsequently through the appeals process, the Red Deer County legal department concluded that even though the architectural guidelines for the area restrict this type of development, the Land Use By-law allow it and they take precedence. As it was our error, the village will not charge the owners for a development permit.
A motion was unanimously passed to allow the Red Deer County Patrol to implement e-Ticketing for Delburne’s Bylaws. The violator will still receive a paper copy at the time of the violation but it will be printed, rather than hand-written.
Brenda Schimke
ECA Review