Hanna’s Amuzing Race brings community together for afternoon of fun

Participants of the Amuzing Race Hanna were challenged to put out a live fire using a fire truck and hose provided and other activities at the Hanna Firefighter Training Centre on Sat. May 1. Seen here is Casey James, left, keeping pace with Brooklyn carrying a practice dummy to finish the drill. ECA Review/T.Huxley
Written by ECA Review

The Hanna Fire Department was teeming with activity for the ‘Amuzing Race’ Hanna on Sat. May 1.

As part of the seven location challenge, teams in the adult or family category were tasked with a number of challenges in and around the firefighter training centre including putting out a live fire at one of the windows of the building and climbing to the top by staircase.

The team named Crushing Kargs which consisted of Tania Karg, Holly Karg, Natalie Karg and Emily Campbell won the family portion.

They scored 5800 points in a time of one hour and 53 minutes when they crossed the finish line.

Nadine Hien and Cam McKeage won the adult category for the same total points as the Crushing Kargs with a time of two hours and 36 minutes.

To reach all seven locations scattered across town, the teams had an option of how they would like to travel including walking, biking, vehicles and even a go-kart for one team.


Terri Huxley

ECA Review

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ECA Review

The East Central Alberta Review (ECA Review), formerly known as the Coronation Review, is a newspaper that services 28,000+ homes each week.