Sgt. Rob Welsman presented the quarterly Community Policing Report to Hanna council at the June 13 meeting.
There has been an increase in vehicle collisions and a decrease in property-related crimes in the Hanna RCMP area.
In the fourth quarter, property-related crimes have decreased by 61 per cent from 2022 from 61 down to 24.
Coun. Sandra Murphy asked about one of the Hanna properties on 4th Avenue that seems like they are always having a garage sale using stolen items. Sgt. Welsman told the council that the location is one they know about and are working with community members.
“I would also encourage folks who do have things that are stolen and located, to report it right to us,” Welsman said. “We might be able to make certain enforcements that we can’t do if it becomes publicly known.
Coun. Sandra Beaudoin also brought up concerns relating to councillors being threatened.
Welsman explained that they should bring those concerns to the RCMP if they threaten with harm. If the threats are regarding not voting for them again, the RCMP can do nothing. Regarding defamation, that is something that is taken care of in civil court.
Welsman also told the council Hanna RCMP with help from peace officers from Special Areas, and are increasing their focus on commercial vehicle enforcement on the backroads and highways. There have been complaints about commercial vehicles speeding.
“We want to make sure that our roads and highways are continuing to be safe,” Welsman said.
Another priority for the Hanna RCMP is continuing their contact with youth to make it easier for them to reach out when needed.
“We are doing presentations on youth issues such as vaping and consent,” Welsman said. “Basically any topic that teachers and staff feel is a priority for their students.”
Airport landing System
Council approved a motion to install a GIS Instrument Landing System at the Town of Hanna Airport.
The GIS Instrument Landing System would cost $15,000 for the first year and then need to have flight checks every four years, which would cost $4000.
The Town of Oyen is installing the GIS Instrument Landing System and a weather station at the Oyen Airport.
The GIS Instrument Landing System allows aircraft to arrive and depart airstrips during inclement weather. This system will enable airstrips to be open when otherwise they would not be accessible for aircraft landings.
One of the local pilots has been researching the weather station and GIS Instrument Landing System and has determined that they do not need to put in a weather station. Due to being within 75 nautical miles of Oyen, the Hanna airstrip can use its weather station, but it is not as accurate.
“Upwards of 10 per cent of flights may not be able to come in if we don’t have a GIS Instrument Landing System,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Kim Neill.
Having the GIS Instrument Landing System could decrease that number to three or four per cent, explained Neill, and then they would have to decide if having the weather station is worth it.
The funding for the project will come from the 2023 Operating Budget.
Land use bylaw
Council had the first reading of Bylaw 1032-2023 version 2. The Town of Hanna and Palliser Regional Municipal Services is reviewing the land use bylaw.
It is common for the Land Use Bylaw to be reviewed and updated every five to 10 years. The Town of Hanna has not reviewed it since 2012.
The bylaw is looking at making zoning changes that could affect residents; on Feb. 23, 2023, there was an open house that allowed landowners who were affected to discuss their concerns and questions.
Version 2 of the bylaw was made from a “What We Heard Report,” which was presented to the council on April 11, 2023, and recommended administration prepare a report that responds to the concerns.
The administration hopes that the council will have a date in September for a public hearing regarding the bylaw and then implement the feedback if needed to be ready to have the second reading during the October meeting and the third reading in November. This would allow them to implement Bylaw 1032-2023 on Jan. 1, 2024.
Jessica Campbell
ECA Review