Hanna council approved the 2022 budget at their Dec 14, 2021 meeting.
This approval followed three separate budget meetings and as always, with costs increasing and infrastructure aging, it was a challenging task.
I am pleased that council has approved the 2022 Budget with a zero per cent municipal tax increase.
This is the first budget for this newly elected council, and it was a busy but good learning opportunity for the first time councillors such as myself.
There have been changes with staffing due to two retirements so council has approved a plan to contract the areas of Bylaw Enforcement, Development, and Emergency Management and shuffling of responsibilities among existing staff to make sure that as residents, you won’t notice a decrease in service.
Administration will continue to monitor the COVID-19 guidelines set out by the province to be well prepared as restrictions are adjusted.
Stay safe and be well and respect the choices that your fellow residents have made.
Remember to feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or issues you may have.
By Mayor Danny Povaschuk, Town of Hanna