Hamlet lot prices set

Written by ECA Review

Starland County took a look at available lots within the hamlets of Craigmyle and Michichi at their regular council meeting on Sept. 29 after appraisals were made.

Council asked to have particular lots in each community to ensure prices were set in case there were interested buyers but also to guarantee the county was valuing them sufficiently as to not lowball the price.

A quote created by Bedrock Appraisal Associates pegged the lot in Craigmyle (Plan 21055 Block 12 Lot 5 – 3 Ave) to be a market value of $9,000 based on a comparison of similar properties in other communities and amenities available nearby and on site like water, sewer and electricity hookups.

The Michichi lot at 14 Railway Avenue was appraised to be $8,000 based on the same factors as the Craigmyle lot.

Administration noted that this later quote had one inaccuracy in that the appraisal firm noted there were municipal water services when in fact there isn’t. Council agreed this does affect the price slightly.

After discussion and review of the properties, council passed a motion to set the price for the Craigmyle lot at $9,000 and other lots in this community owned by the county at $5,000 as they are smaller and more narrow.

More time will be taken to determine the Michichi lot price.

GPS tracking system

During Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Shirley Bremer’s report to council, she shared a vehicle GPS tracking system proposal created by IT administrator Jason Carlson.

After extensive research into an updated vehicle GPS system from the outdated version currently being used, Carlson found GeoTab which offers a package for $25.69 per vehicle per month but if purchased through Telus can be lowered to $20 per vehicle per month.

Features include tools and information to reduce fleet operation costs and automated accident notification which can reduce liabilities to where the system can pay for itself.

GeoTab also offered the county additional information that will decrease operational costs and increase staff safety.

CAO Bremer gave Carlson approval following the in-depth report as it is an operational cost.

Seed cleaning plant

Council passed second and third reading of an amendment to Land Use Bylaw 1125 by changing the zoning from Agricultural General District to Commercial Industrial District to allow for the Starland Seed Cleaning Plant to be built on this location legally at SW1/4 17-31-17-W4 just north of Delia along Highway 851.

A public hearing was held at the latest meeting before the readings were passed.


Terri Huxley

ECA Review

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ECA Review

The East Central Alberta Review (ECA Review), formerly known as the Coronation Review, is a newspaper that services 28,000+ homes each week.