Ashton Christie from Red Deer riding on Crime Wave on Sat. Aug. 26 at the Halkirk Elks 27 Annual Bullarama. Christie was bucked off before he could make the eight-second timer. Gates opened for the Bullarama at 4 p.m. where there was live music and children’s games. The bull riding started at 5 p.m. and was held in memory of David Chick. ECA Review/J.Campbell
Ashton Christie from Red Deer riding on Crime Wave on Sat. Aug. 26 at the Halkirk Elks 27 Annual Bullarama. Christie was bucked off before he could make the eight-second timer. Gates opened for the Bullarama at 4 p.m. where there was live music and children’s games. The bull riding started at 5 p.m. and was held in memory of David Chick. ECA Review/J.Campbell
Megan Schrijver, one of the Ladies of the Heartland carrying the Canadian flag while Andrea Cress sings O’Canada.ECA Review/J.Campbell
The Red Deer Aboriginal Dance Troupe dancing during intermission on Aug. 26 at the Halkirk Bullarama. ECA Review/J.Campbell
Wyatt Laughlin from Langdon riding on Wedding Singer was bucked off receiving a no time. ECA Review/J. Campbell
Chris Young from Australia riding on Fudge Puddles on Aug. 26 at the Halkirk Elks 27 annual Bull A Rama. Young was bucked off before he could make the eight seconds. ECA Review/J.Campbell
Marcos Gloria from Brazil riding on Los Endos finished his ride with a score of 85.5 points making him the bull riding champion in the annual Halkirk Bullarama.
ECA Review/J.Campbell
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