Dear Editor,
As the world tries to cope with COVID-19, I am thankful to live in Canada, where our federal and provincial politicians appear to be guiding their decisions by the expert medical and scientific opinions of what needs to happen to get through this crisis.
It is reassuring to hear daily updates from Dr. Hinshaw, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, and to see our political parties in Ottawa working together to pass legislation to assist people and businesses to get through this.
Clear messages and leadership from our governments are important in these times.
I think the vast majority of Canadians get how important it is to adhere to the public health measures in place to slow the spread of this virus.
I am so grateful that we have a medical system that cares for all.
Canadians don’t have to worry about how they will pay for a COVID-19 test, or fund their care if they have to be hospitalized.
I think this crisis has brought home to us the importance of our public health system.
Politicians who try to privatize it or make major cutbacks should remember that there is always an election coming.
When this pandemic has passed and the world has “revved” up again, let’s hope that governments around the globe will continue to make science-based decisions.
Our future depends upon it.
Marion Oberg Riise
Forestburg, Alta.