The village of Elnora received $35,175 from the Municipal Operating System Transfer (MOST) grant provided by the province of Alberta to combat expenses associated with COVID-19 disruptions.
As of Feb. 5, administration has been able to allocate $14,405.05 to various projects, the largest being foggers and disinfectant at $12,400 for local businesses to use on a request basis.
An ‘unexpected’ balance of $20,769.95 was left so council was tasked with approving a new home for the money.
Council passed a motion to put the remaining amount towards unpaid property taxes to offset municipal loss of revenue with future disbursements to be determined at council’s discretion.
Still waiting
Three months later the village is still seeking answers to questions posed to MLA Devin Dreeshen during their regular meeting discussion on Nov. 10.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Sharon Wesgate sent an email regarding a few issues of importance to council including the cost per COVID-19 test, the status on rural broadband and the heritage trust fund, senior manors amalgamation concerns and testing of a former burn pit with needed clearance form Alberta Environment.
MDP draft review
Richard Mojave and Ron Barr of Red Deer County Planning and Development presented the draft copy of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) to council.
With no changes needed, a date has now been set for the public to have their say on the matter Feb. 17.
Fire hall safety code repairs
Administration received an invoice from C.Reed Construction for $3013.50 for repairs to the local fire hall including re-venting the heater, removing mold and undertaking necessary repairs due to water damage.
Perry Warner Plumbing has been contacted and will replace the hot water tank.
Council received this invoice as information.
Valo Network
Valo Network, an internet provider came to council asking for a letter of support in their effort to obtain money from the Universal Broadband Fund.
Council agreed to have administration forward a letter of support on behalf of the company towards this application.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review