Grain bin development was built in 2013

Dear Editor, 

Normally I would thank you for bringing to the public local concerns.  

The selective information printed in the article titled Stop order upheld, Pg. 4,  Sept. 2, 2021, failed to discuss the key issue of the appeal as discussed with the County of Paintearth and during the SDAB.  

The grain bin development was built in 2013 and 2014 under the 2009 Bylaw,  Section 6 page 17 item (11) line 3. Quote  “and they meet the required setback standards established in the district.”;  page 27 Section 19 A–Agriculture District Item (1)  Permitted use and Item (2) Discretionary Use.  Grain bins are not included.  

We were advised at the time, quote: “The County has never got involved in grain bin placement and does not require a permit.”  

We adhered to this advice, the bylaw in effect at the time and the standards established.  We restored and repurposed an oilfield lease.

This was ignored by the County, the SDAB and your article, falsely accusing resident/ratepayers of illegal activities.

All I ask is tell the truth and tell the whole story.  Not just the selected parts our County Administration wish to present.  

The Municipal Government Act protects citizens from this type of action.  

It is unfortunate the media and our Councillors do not.

I will send photos of the standards established in the district for your information.

A followup and correction with the rest of the story would be appreciated.

Thank you.


Dwayne Felzien,

County of Paintearth Resident, Galahad

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