Good to see some truth spread

Dear Editor,

Great Op. Ed. by Ms Schimke on Feb 17.  There has been too much spreading of misinformation on social media and it’s good to see some truth shared. 

Unfortunately, I saw the poem spun on social media to misinform people of its original origin and meaning.

On another note, I checked the minutes for the March 3 ethics committee and Mr. Kurek did make a motion and when I read it I thought to myself ‘whhhhaaaaatttttttttttttt’!!

Makes more sense in your paper than the committee minutes but only because it’s clear he used your platform to spread misinformation.

I read a story by Elizabeth Thompson, a reporter in Ottawa on the WE scandal and the ethics committee recommendations. 

The finance minister was found in conflict of interest and he knew it and resigned but the prime minister and his family were cleared of any conflict issues.

Tabling a motion with big words and no meaning keeps it in the news as it is not a lie but it’s just another kick at the can low blow politics ploy to get votes.

It’s bad enough social media allows it but now it’s in our diminishing newspapers.


Richard Russell

Empress, Alta.

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