Good Friday service draws hundreds

Mark Kremer, Greg Julas, Melanie Krahn, and Randy Gardiner led the music team at the annual Community Three Hills Good Friday Service April 15. ECA Review/D. Nadeau
Written by ECA Review

Mark Kremer, Greg Julas, Melanie Krahn, and Randy Gardiner led the music team at the annual Community Three Hills Good Friday Service April 15. ECA Review/D. Nadeau

For one short hour, we set aside news of war, suspicion, oppression and injustice.

Just an hour, spent in the cavernous Three Hills School gym, to concentrate on the annual community Good Friday service. Seven pastors, one from each participating church, took turns expounding on the service theme of I AM—the Man on the Cross.

Prairie Tab Congregation’s Pastor Glenn Flewelling, for example, said Satan works to prevent us from leaving his domain of darkness and death in favour of our defecting into God’s realm of light and life. Appropriate words that fit well with the morning’s service and the world we left outside for an hour.

The freewill offering, described by Victory Church Pastor Terry Krahn, will help support Prairie College’s centennial celebration, scheduled for this July.

David Nadeau
ECA Review

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