Golden Hills Lodge has mini cruise event

Golden Hills Lodge activity coordinator Aiden Gillespie, wearing the safety vest, wanted something unique for his residents. As pandemic restrictions continued to be eased he thought of a mini ‘Cruise’ event on July 24 since the annual Three Hills Cruise Weekend is not being held this year. Model A owner Dan Wiebe, right, and Lodge resident George Foxall had opportunity to appreciate and check 19 vehicles ranging from a handful of Model A Fords, a high-end Cobra, a 2006 Humme and half a dozen motorbikes. ECA Review/D. Nadeau
Written by ECA Review

Golden Hills Lodge activity coordinator Aiden Gillespie, wearing the safety vest, wanted something unique for his residents. As pandemic restrictions continued to be eased he thought of a mini ‘Cruise’ event on July 24 since the annual Three Hills Cruise Weekend is not being held this year. Model A owner Dan Wiebe, right, and Lodge resident George Foxall had the opportunity to appreciate and check 19 vehicles ranging from a handful of Model A Fords, a high-end Cobra, a 2006 Hummer and half a dozen motorbikes.

ECA Review/D. Nadeau

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