County of Paintearth
At the Oct. 21 organizational meeting the County of Paintearth councillors elected George Glazier as Reeve and Diane Elliott as Deputy Reeve. Walter Weber was elected Chairman of the Agricultural Service Board and Doreen Blumhagen, Vice Chairman.
Meetings will remain on the first and third Tuesdays of the month commencing at 9 a.m.
The county will retain the auditing services of Endeavour Chartered Accountants for fiscal year-end 2015 and assessors Terry Willoughby, AMAA of Municipal Property Consultants (2009) Ltd. and Ray Fortin, AMAA of Accurate Assessment Group Ltd. were reaffirmed as Designated Officers of the county.
A Respiratory Code of Practice and fit testing program in the workplace for the protection of employees as mandated by new Code of Practice and Respiratory Program Directive Occupational Health and Safety was also approved by council.
Write off tax rolls
The County has received a number of notices and statements of receivership for various oil, gas and energy companies. These accounts are deemed unlikely to be collected and will be expensed under the administration department’s bad debt taxes general ledger.
The tax rolls will remain on the tax roll, accumulating penalty until such time that we receive settlement or become certain the county will not receive any form of payment. If by chance payment is received, the revenue would be recognized in the year ahead.
Waterline to Humalite International
The waterline will be installed on the north/south line to the Canadian Humalite plant with completion of the project by Dec. 15, 2015.