Gas tax funding received

A letter from Municipal Affairs minister Kaycee Madu was highlighted at the County of Paintearth regular meeting on Tues. June 16.

Paintearth was confirmed to get $120,238 in total allocated funding.

Recognizing the urgency for local government funding and the critical role of communities in the relaunch of the economy, the federal government recently announced Alberta will be getting $244 million to help aid in this process.

Battle River research group scores 

According to member and county Reeve Stan Schuelmeister during council reports, he told the panel that since getting a new temporary grant writer, they have received $220,600 which was more than they were using all of last year, found to be an incredible feat for the group.

“She is so good at writing grants,” said Reeve Schulmeister. “Things are looking really positive there.”

In other reports from councillors, Coun. Dale Norton said that as part of the Castor and area Doctor Recruitment and Retention committee, they are beginning negotiations with the current doctor for Castor.

Coun. Tyrrell Hewitt went to a senior’s meeting in Coronation at the foyer of the mall for distancing purposes – one of the few in-person meetings so far.

There, it was communicated that there are 13 vacancies available in the Paintearth Lodge but with restrictions still heavy for COVID-19 purposes, they are not allowed to let people in to fill up the rooms although there are many interested applicants.

Coun. George Glazier has been involved with Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), telling council they will be having a rough year since COVID hit.

The reason being is because they have already been given their funding allocations for the year with budgets used without anticipating a pandemic that keeps people away from each other.

FCSS is meant to support the community in many facets including holding functions and supplying programs for the area.

If they do not spend the money then next year they get only what they used and it can not be carried over a year.

FCSS branches across the province are facing this same issue with no real direction from the government at this time for a hopeful exception.

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Micheal Simpson noted the county office is now open to the public and masks are available at the building.

Bryce Cooke, Public Works director, noted the gravel program has been going well with 97 miles completed between Divisions 1, 5, and 7.

“That’s moving along pretty well,” said Cooke.

As for culverts, 14 have been placed across roadways with 45 left on the map to do.

Cooke acknowledged this amount is far more than they normally do in a year which is typically between 30 and 35 culverts but when inspecting they did a more thorough job this year which increased the number.

He said there were some that literally had no bottoms left in them.

“They are well overdue so they are just a matter of time,” said Cooke.

Council accepted all reports as information.

Meeting Dates

The Rural Municipalities Association (RMA) is planning on having a site visit on July 21 at the county.

Council passed their upcoming meeting dates for July 21, August 18, Sept. 15, Oct. 6, Oct. 13 and more.


Terri Huxley

ECA Review


Correction (June 29, 2020 at 12:59 p.m.): It was mentioned that the Castor and area Doctor Recruitment and Retention committee was beginning negotiations with a new doctor soon. It was meant to say with the current doctor. The Review apologizes for this error.

About the author

ECA Review

The East Central Alberta Review (ECA Review), formerly known as the Coronation Review, is a newspaper that services 28,000+ homes each week.