Castor Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Women’s Auxiliary actively raises funds for much-needed furniture and equipment. From the left, back row: Angela Eggleston, Donna Howe, Marilyn O’Howe, Penny Roessler, Glenda Spady, Bonnie O’Hara, Laura Jane Hildreth, Linda Zinger, Joan Dyki, Melanie Robertson, Marcia Fuller and Sandra Fuller. Front row: Sandy Shipton, Eileen Frank, Mickey Hronek, Joyce Renschler, Gale Dunlop, and Shelly Pals. Missing from the photo were: Claire Nichols, Fran Clarke, Olga Cox and Diane Wiart.
Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Women’s Auxiliary has several fundraising events including a Strawberry Tea and Sale, Christmas Cookie Walk and the casino in Red Deer.
The funds raised over the last few years have been used to purchase many items for the Castor hospital, long-term care, nursing unit and palliative care room.
Some of these include heart monitors, nitrogen guns, a podiatry drill for the footcare clinic, “In Body” machine for the doctor’s clinic, blood pressure monitors; and a lift chair and table and chairs for the dayroom; portable suction units, portable oxygen units, sheepskin boots and bed wraps, handi van rent for resident outings, and ‘in memory of’ benches for outside.
Purchases for long-term care included a piano, physio equipment, slings, Christmas gifts and five hospital-grade recliner chairs.
We are a very active group of ladies who donate our time freely and we want to say a huge thank you to our community for supporting us so generously. Without you we would not be able to purchase all these items for Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital doctors, staff, patients and residents.

Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Auxilliary/Submitted

Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital Auxilliary/Submitted